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Koruzni labirint Kranj


Labirint se razprostira na 5 hektarjih oziroma 50.000 m2 velikem koruznem polju. Dolžina
poti je 4 kilometre.

V labirintu se skriva 15 orientacijskih postaj, označenjih s tablo in številko, za lažjo orientacijo. Hkrati pa je na vsaki postaji interaktivna vsebina, ki je bodisi poučna, bodisi zabavna.

Obiskovalci labirint obiskujejo s pomočjo zemljevida. V labirintu so tudi tri skrite postaje (niso označene na zemljevidu).

Koruzni labirint v Kranju je oblikovan na temo čebelarstva. Na natečaju je sodelovalo 14
študentov arhitekture, ki so, pri predmetu Geodezija pripravili idejne zasnove.
Izbrana in realizirana je ideja študentke Dajane Pejić. Načrt predstavlja dve čebeli in satovje.


Z letošnjim labirintom v Kranju zahvaljujemo vsem čebelam, da skrbijo za našo dobrobit.

Some photo highlights from the Trnava - Braslovče labyrinth
Location of the corn maze Trnava - Braslovče

How long does it take to visit the maze?

On average, visitors stay in the labyrinth for 1.5 hours. Otherwise, the visit is not limited in time and you organize your own research.

Is a reservation or announcement required?

No, announcements and reservations are not required. You arrive, pick up a map and set off on an adventure.

Are the entrances only at certain times?

No, you can enter at any time, throughout the day (check the opening hours of the maze in question)

Are dogs allowed?

Of course. Dogs are our friends, aren't they? A corn maze adventure with a dog can be even more fun.

It is recommended that you bring some water and a head covering.

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